API Reference

VL Series - API Guide

SDK Service Initialization


SDK_Service_Int(context: Context, Onresult: OnResult)

  • This method is used to start the valor SDK service.
  • This method needs to call at every bootup.


context | [IN] context | context

callback | [IN] OnResult | interface OnResult that implements mandatory callback events (Callback function).

Interface: OnResult

Success() – valor SDK service started successfully.

Onprocess(progressMessage: String) – Not Used.

Fail (errorMessage: String) - Fail to start valor SDK service.

Load Configuration


Loadconfig(context: Context, Onresult: OnResult)

  • This method generates and loads the EMV & CLESS configuration File.
  • This method needs to call at every bootup.


context | [IN] context | context

callback | [IN] OnResult | interface OnResult that implements mandatory callback events (Callback function).

Interface: OnResult

Success() – Configuration file loaded successfully .

Onprocess(progressMessage: String) – The progress message has shown

Fail (errorMessage: String) - Fail to load configuration file.

SDK Initialization


SDKInt(context: Context,GiftCardTye:Int, Onresult: OnResult)

This method is used to initialize the SDK module & EMV configuration to load.

Note: Must call after the Load configuration.


context | [IN] context | context
GiftcardType | [IN] int | support gift card type
1 –VALUE_TECH, 2- Factor4
callback | [IN] OnResult | interface OnResult that implements mandatory callback events (Callback function).

Interface: OnResult

Success() – Initialization successfully.

Onprocess(progressMessage: String?) – The progress message has shown

Fail (errorMessage: String?) - Initialization Fail.

Download Rki


DownloadRKI(context: Context, Keygroup: String,Mode:Int, Onresult: OnRKIResult)

This method is used for downloading Live or Demo RKI.


context | [IN] context | context

String | [IN] keygroup | Custom group key name

String | [IN] Service mode| 0 –Live RKI, 1- Demo RKI

callback | [IN] OnRKIResult | interface OnRKIResult that implements mandatory callback events (Callback function).

Interface: OnRKIResult

Success() – This event will be triggered when device is successfully download RKI

onProcess(progressMessage: String?) – The progress message on downloading Status.

Fail(errorMessage: String?) - RKI download failed.

Get Device Information


GetDeviceInfo(OnResult: OnDeviceInfoResult)

This method is used for getting device information like Firmware version, EMV lib version, CLESS version etc.


[IN] OnDeviceInfoResult - interface OnDeviceInfoResult that implements mandatory callback events (Callback function).

Interface: OnDeviceInfoResult

Success(deviceInfoVo: DeviceInfoVo) -Device information read from terminal successfully.


deviceInfo – Output response of get device information.

Fail(errorMessage: String) - Device information read fails.


errorMessage – error message

Start Transaction


StartTran(context: Context, lTransactonInfo:TransactionInfo, Onresult:OnCardReadListener)

This method is to read the card information and complete the EMV transaction process.


[IN]context – context

[IN]Transactioninfo–transaction input related data

[IN]OnCardReadListener - interface OnCardReadListener that implements mandatory callback events (Callback function).

Interface: OnCardReadListener

Success(cardInfo: CardInfo) – Read the card information successfully


cardInfo – Output response of card information

Fail(errorMessage: String) - This event will be triggered when reading the card information fails.

onNotification (Message: String,Mode:Int)


Message – Notification message

  • 0 -> User to close the Notification dialog
  • 1-> User to show the Notification dialog.

onWarning(Message: String) - User need to show warning alert dialog.

onAppSelection(list:String) – Only applicable for EMV multi-application card. Inside the EMV card more than one AID present, then client application needs to show the EMV application selection.

onProcess(progressMessage: String?) – transaction is in the processing state.


progressMessage – Progress message

Perform Transaction


performTxn(context: Context, lTransactonInfo: TranInputVo, Onresult: OnPerformTxnListener)

This method is used to communicate with the host and complete the transaction functionalities.


[IN]context – context

[IN]TranInputvo – Input transaction card related data

[IN] OnPerformTxnListener - interface OnPerformTxnListener that implements mandatory callback events (Callback function).

Interface: OnPerformTxnListener

onSuccess(outputVo:Any?) – triggered when transaction performed successfully.


Any– Output response of Perform transaction information.

Any accepts all types of objects. For each transaction module, objects may vary. We need to convert objects into respective types of value according to the transaction module.

TranOutputVo tranOutputVo = (TranOutputVo) outputVo;

onFailure(errorMessage: String, outputVo: Any?, status: Int) – This event will be triggered when transaction fails


errorMessage – error message

status – get reversal transactions available status

  • 1 – Reversal transaction is available
  • 0 – Reversal transaction not available

onProgress(progressMessage: String?) - the transaction is in processing state


progressMessage – Progress message

Pin Input


GetOnlinePin(context:Context, processorIndex:Int, Pan: String, Timeout: Int, Onresult: OnlinePinListener)

This method is used for getting pin from pinpad.


[IN]context – context

[IN]processorIndex– processor type

[IN]pan– Card Number

[IN]Timeout– pinpad timeout

[IN]OnlinePinListener - interface OnlinePinListener that implements mandatory callback events (Callback function).

Interface: OnlinePinListener

Success(pinblock:String,ksn:String)– Encrypted Pin Block generated successfully


pinblock – Encrypted pin

ksn – pin block ksn

Fail(errorMessage: String)

– This event will be triggered when failure state

Fetch Transaction


FechPerformTxn(context: Context, lFetchInputVo:FetchInputVo, Onresult:OnPerformTxnListener)

This method is used for fetching the transaction details of Tip adjustment,void,ticket ,open summary,closed summary,batch report,detailed report.


[IN]context – context

[IN] lFetchInputVo – Input data to fetch the transaction.

[IN] OnPerformTxnListener - interface OnPerformTxnListener that implements mandatory callback events (Callback function).

Interface: OnPerformTxnListener

onSuccess(outputVo:Any?)– This event will be triggered when transaction information fetched successfully.


outputVo – Output response of fetch transaction.

Any– Any accepts all types of objects. For each transaction module, objects may vary. We need to convert objects into respective types of value according to the transaction module.

  • Void, Tip adjustment,Ticket (List FetchList = (List) outputdata;)
  • Open Summary, Close Summary (SummayVO summaryvo = (SummayVO) outputdata;)
  • Batch Report ( List< BatchVo > batchvo = (List< BatchVo >) outputdata;)
  • Detailed Report (List< ReportSummaryVO > reportsummaryvo = (List< ReportSummaryVO >) outputdata;)

onFailure(errorMessage: String, outputdata:Any?, status: Int)

This event will be triggered when transaction info fetch fails.


errorMessage – error message

status –Reversal transactions available status.

  • 1 – Reversal transaction is available
  • 0 – Reversal transaction not available

onProgress(progressMessage: String?) – the progress message has shown


progressMessage – Progress message



Settlement (context: Context, lFetchInputVo:FetchInputVo, Onresult:OnPerformTxnListener)

This method is used for settling the transaction.


[IN]context – context

[IN] lFetchInputVo – Input data to settle the transaction

[IN] OnPerformTxnListener - interface OnPerformTxnListener that implements mandatory callback events (Callback function).

Interface: OnPerformTxnListener

onSuccess(outputVo:Any?)– This event will be triggered when transaction information settled successfully.


outputVo – Output response of Settlement.

Any– Any accepts all types of objects. For each transaction module, objects may vary. We need to convert objects into respective types of value according to the transaction module.

Settlement ( SummayVO summaryvo = (SummayVO) outputdata;)

onFailure(errorMessage: String, outputdata:Any?, status: Int)

This event will be triggered when settlement fails.


errorMessage – error message

onProgress(progressMessage: String?) – the progress message has shown


progressMessage – Progress message

Print Receipt


PrintReceipt(lTransactonInfo: TranOutputVo, printerInfo:PrintInputVo, Onresult:ReceiptListener)

This method is used to print the transaction information.


[IN]TranOutputVo– output response of perform transaction

[IN]PrintInputVo– print input information

[IN]ReceiptListener - interface ReceiptListener that implements mandatory callback events(Callback function).

Interface: ReceiptListener

onSuccess() – This event will be triggered when transaction info is successfully printed

onFailure(errorMessage: String?) - This event will be triggered on printer failure

Clear Reversal



This method is used for clear reversal transaction data.


  • 1 – Successfully cleared
  • 0 – No records Found



ValorPrint class is used to print the text information,image in the paper.



This method is used to initialize the printer.
This method needs to call before adding text to drawtext methods.

drawtext(text: String?, textSize: Float, bold: Boolean, align: Paint.Align?): Int

This method is used to add text at a line.

drawTwotext(leftText: String?, rightText: String?, textSize: Float, bold: Boolean):Int

This method is used to add two texts at a line (LEFT, RIGHT).

drawThreetext(leftText: String?,centerText:String?,rightText:String?,textSize: Float,bold: Boolean):Int

This method is used to add three texts at a line (LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT).

drawMultitext(percents: IntArray?,texts: Array?,textSize: Float,
bold: Boolean):Int

This method is used to add multiple texts and allocate the width according to percents. (maximum four texts).

drawimage(image: Bitmap?):Int

This method is used to add the image.


This method is used to increase/decrease the space between the lines.

drawReverseText(text: String?, textSize: Float, bold: Boolean, align: Paint.Align

) :Int

This method is used to add text with reverse color.

feedPaper(height: Float):Int

This method is used to add empty space without printing.


This method is used to print the buffer data.


String | [IN]text– text to be drawn.

float| [IN]textSize– set the size of the text to be drawn.

boolean| [IN]bold– true to set the text to bold, false to normal.

| [IN]align–set the alignment of text to be drawn (CENTER, RIGHT, LEFT).

String | [IN]leftText– text to be drawn on left side of the paper.

String | [IN]centerText– text to be drawn on center of the paper.

String | [IN]rightText– text to be drawn on right side of the paper.

float | [IN]offsetY– size to increase/decrease the space between lines

Bitmap | [IN]image– the image to be drawn

String[]| [IN]texts– multiple text to be drawn

Int[]| [IN]percents– set the ratio of text width to paper, from 0-100, 0 to automatically adapt the occupied width according to the text width. If this value exceeds the remaining width, the remaining width is automatically used
float| [IN]height– height of the empty space to be drawn.


  • 0 – success
  • -1 – OUT_OF_PAPER

Class: DeviceInfoVo

String |[OUT] SerialNum| Device Serial Number

String |[OUT] FirmwareVer | Device Firmware Version

String |[OUT] BatteryPerc | Device Battery Percentage

String |[OUT] BatteryStatus | Device Battery Status

String |[OUT] CT_KernelVer | EMV Kernal Version

String |[OUT] CL_KernelVer| Contactless Kernal Version

String |[OUT] Device_Model| Device Model

String |[OUT] SDKVersion| sdk version

String |[OUT] SMVer| Secure Module version

String |[OUT] Total_DiskSize| Device total disk size

String |[OUT] Total_RamSize| Device total Ram size

String |[OUT] Used_Disksize| Used disk size

String |[OUT] Used_RamSize| Used Ram size


Int |[IN] amount | Amount |0-9999999

Int |[IN] processorIndex | Processor Name

Int |[IN] tranMode |Transaction Mode

Int |[IN] tranCode |Transaction Type

Int |[IN] cardReadTimeout | Card Read Timeout in seconds| default value is 30.

Int |[IN] pinInputTimeout | Pin Input Timeout in seconds|default value is 45.

Int |[IN] pinByPass | State of Pin ByPass enable/disable.

  • 0 –not allowed
  • 1 – pinByPass allowed

Int |[IN] fallBackCount | Card Fallback Count default value is 2

Int |[IN] disablePin | State of pin enable/disable.

  • 0 – not allowed
  • 1 – allowed

Int |[IN] allowFallBack | allow Fallback or not.

  • 0 – not fallback
  • 1 –allow fallback

Int |[IN] cashBackamount | cashback Amount |0-9999999

Int |[IN] iPaymentMethod | Payment Methd

Int |[IN] pinKeyIndex| pin key Index

Int |[IN] pinpan| pan number

Int |[IN] pinRequired | pin required or not.

  • 0 –pin not required
  • 1 –pin required

Class: CardInfo

String |[OUT] track1 | Encrypted Track 1 data.

String |[OUT] track2 | Encrypted Track 2 data.

String |[OUT] track2Ksn | Get KSN of the Track 2 data.

String |[OUT] maskedPan | Get Masked Pan Number

String |[OUT] expiryDate | Expiry date of card.

String |[OUT] cardHolderName | Card Holder Name

String |[OUT] DE55Data | TLV data.

String |[OUT] pinBlock | Encrypted pin block.

String |[OUT] pinBlocKsn | pin block ksn.

String |[OUT] aid | Application Identifier

String |[OUT] tsi | Terminal Status Information

String |[OUT] tvr | Terminal Verification Results

String |[OUT] cardLabel | Card Label Information

String |[OUT] applicationLabel | Application Label

String |[OUT] appPreferredName | Application Preferred Name

Boolean |[OUT] isSignMandatory | check Signature is Mandatory

  • true -Signature Mandatory
  • false - Signature Not Mandatory

Int |[OUT] pinType | Get Pin Type

  • 0 - Default
  • 1 – Online Pin
  • 2 – Offline Pin

Int |[ OUT] amount | Amount |0-9999999

Int | [ OUT] cashbackAmount | Debit Cashback Amount | 0-9999999

Boolean |[OUT] isFallback| check fallback or not

  • true - fallback
  • false - not fallback

Int | [ OUT] tranMode |Transaction Mode

Int | [ OUT] tranCode |Transaction Type

Int | [ OUT] parentMode|Parent Transaction Mode

String |[OUT] serviceCode |Service code.

Int | [ OUT] posEntryMode|pos Entry Mode

String | [ OUT] pan | Card number.

String | [ OUT] issuerScheme| card brand Name.

Int |[OUT] EMVTxnResult|EMV transaction result when failure state

  • 1- EMV_ARQC
  • 2- EMV_AAC

Int | [ OUT] pinResult|pin result when failure state


String |[IN] txnServerIP | Perform transaction Ip (Demo or Production)

Int |[IN] txnServerPort | Perform transaction Port Number (Demo or Production)

Int |[IN] connectionTimeout | Connection Timeout in seconds default value is 30.

Int |[IN] sendTimeout | Send Request Timeout in seconds default value is 30.

Int |[IN] receiveTimeout | Receive Response Timeout in seconds default value is 30.

Int |[IN] tranMode |Transaction Mode

Int |[IN] tranCode |Transaction Type

Int |[IN] parentTranCode| Parent Transaction Type | not applicable

Int |[IN] amount | Amount |0-9999999

Int |[IN] feeAmount | Custom Fee Amount | 0-9999999

Int |[IN] stateTaxAmt | State Tax Amount | 0-9999999

Int |[IN] stateTaxFeeAmt | State Tax Fee Amount | 0-9999999

Int |[IN] cityTaxAmt | City Tax Amount | 0-9999999

Int |[IN] tipAmount | Tip Amount | 0-9999999

Int |[IN] cashbackAmount | Debit Cashback Amount | 0-9999999

String | [ IN] track1 | Encrypted Track 1 data.

String |[IN] track2 | Encrypted Track 2 data.

String |[IN] track2Ksn | KSN of the Track 2 data.

String |[IN] rrn | Retrieval Reference Number

String |[IN] expiryDate | Expiry Date

String |[IN] cardHolderName | Card Holder Name

String |[IN] pinBlock | Encrypted Pin data.

String |[IN] ksn | Pin block ksn

String |[IN] stanNo | System Trace Audit Number

Int |[IN] fallback | Fallback Type

  • 0 – Default

String |[IN] terminalId | Terminal Id for fetch transaction.

String |[IN] epiId | Epi Id

String |[IN] profileType | Profile Id

  • “0”- Traditional
  • “1” – Surcharge

String |[IN] ebtSerialNo | Serial number for EBT voucher sale.

String |[IN] ebtApprovalCode | Approval code for EBT voucher sale.

String |[IN] cardHolderAddress | Card Holder Address

String |[IN] cardHolderZip | Card Holder Zip

String |[IN] cvv | cvv number

Int |[IN] tipFeeAmt | Tip Fee Amount

Int |[IN] fetchType| Getting data from Fetch Type

  • 1 - Tran no
  • 2 - Card no

String |[IN] tranNumber | Tran Number for getting fetch data.

String |[IN] clerkId | input clerk id

String |[IN] clerkName | input clerk Name.

String |[IN] clerkLabel | input clerk Label

String |[IN] vasLabel1| Additional input vas label 1

String |[IN] vasLabel2| Additional input vas label 2

String |[IN] vasLabel3| Additional input vas label 3

String |[IN] vasData1| Additional input vas data 1

String |[IN] vasData2| Additional input vas data 2

String |[IN] vasData3| Additional input vas data 3

String | [ IN] DE55Data | TLV data

String |[ IN] Last4digitcardNo| pan number last 4 digit

Int |[ IN] batchNo | Batch Number

String |[ IN] batchId | Batch ID

Int|[ IN] cashDiscountAmt | Cash Discount Amount

Int|[ IN] cityTaxFeeAmt| City Tax Fee Amount

Boolean |[ IN] isSignMandatory | Need Signature is Mandatory

  • true – Signature Mandatory
  • false- Signature Not Mandatory

String |[ IN] maskedPan | Get Masked Pan Number

String |[ IN] mid | Merchant Id

String |[ IN] pan | Card number

String |[ IN] pinBlocKsn | Get KSN of the pin

String |[IN] pinBlock | Encrypted Pin information.

Int |[ IN] posEntryMode|pos Entry Mode

String |[ IN] responseCode | Response code of transaction

  • "00" - Success
  • "10" – Partial Approved Transaction
  • "VH" - hsm host failed
  • "VT" - hsm invalid data
  • VI" - hsm invalid format

Int |[ IN] tipAmount | Tip Amount

Class: FetchVO

Int |[OUT] tranMode |Transaction Mode

Int |[OUT] tranCode |Transaction Type

Int |[OUT] parentTranCode| Parent Transaction Type

  • Void = new Trancode().getVOID();
  • Tip adjustment = new Trancode().getTIP_ADJUSTMENT();
  • Ticket = new Trancode().getTICKET();

Int |[OUT] tranAmount | Transaction Amount

String |[OUT] | rrn | Retrieval Reference Number

String |[OUT] dateAndMonth | Transaction date and month

String |[OUT] time | Transaction Time

String |[OUT] year | Transaction Year

String |[OUT] responseCode| Response code of transaction

  • "00" - Success
  • "10" - Partial Approved Transaction
  • "VH" - Hsm host failed
  • "VT" - Hsm invalid data
  • "VI" - Hsm invalid format

String |[OUT] sErrorCode | Error code

Int |[OUT] sEbtBalance | Balance Amount of EBT transaction

Int |[OUT] batch | Batch Number

String |[OUT] shostAuthRespTxt | Host Auth Response Text

String |[OUT] tranNo | Tran Number of transaction

String |[OUT] customFee | Custom Fee Amount

String |[OUT] stateTax | State Tax Amount

String |[OUT] cityTax | City Tax Amount

String |[OUT] tipAmount | Tip Amount

String |[OUT] debitCashBack | Debit Cashback Amount

String |[OUT] cashDiscountAmt| Cash Discount Amount

String |[OUT] stanNo | System Trace Audit Number

String |[OUT] aid | Get Aid value

String |[OUT] tsi | Terminal Status Information

String |[OUT] tvr | Terminal Verification Results

String |[OUT] tid | Terminal Id

String |[OUT] mid | Merchant Id

String |[OUT] epi | Epi Id

String |[OUT] profileId | Profile Id

  • “0”- Traditional
  • “1” – Surcharge

String |[OUT] preferedName | Preferred Name

Int |[OUT] iTipAdjust | Tip Adjusted status

  • 1 – Tip Adjusted
  • Others – Tip not adjusted

Int |[OUT] tipEligible | Tip Adjust Eligible

  • 0 – Not Eligible
  • 1 – Eligible

Int |[OUT] tipFeeAmt | Tip Fee Amount

String |[OUT] clerkId | input clerk id

String |[OUT] clerkName | input clerk Name

String |[OUT] clerkLabel | input clerk Label

String |[OUT] vasLabel1 | Additional input vas label 1

String |[OUT] vasLabel2 | Additional input vas label 2

String |[OUT] vasLabel3 | Additional input vas label 3

String |[OUT] vasData1 | Additional input vas data 1

String |[OUT] vasData2 | Additional input vas data 2

String |[OUT] vasData3 | Additional input vas data 3

String |[OUT] cardHolderName | Card Holder Name

String |[OUT] cardLabel | Card Label Information

String |[OUT] maskedPanz | Get Masked Pan Number

Int | [ OUT] posEntryMode|pos Entry Mode

String |[OUT] authcode| authorization code

Class: TranOutputVo

Int |[OUT] tranMode |Transaction Mode

Int |[OUT] tranCode |Transaction Type

Int |[OUT] tranAmount | Transaction Amount

Int |[OUT] isPartialApproved | Partial Approved flag

  • 1 – Partial Approved
  • Other - not partial Approved

Int |[OUT] partialNetAmount | partail Net Amount

String |[OUT] RRN| Retrieval Reference Number

String |[OUT] localDate | Transaction date

String |[OUT] localTime | Transaction Time

String |[OUT] authId | Gift card type of Transaction Authorization Id

String |[OUT] responseCode | Response code of transaction

  • "00" - Success
  • "10" – Partial Approved Transaction
  • "VH" - hsm host failed
  • "VT" - hsm invalid data
  • "VI" - hsm invalid format

String |[OUT] terminalId| Response code of terminal Id

String |[OUT] errorCode | This value describes an error code that identifies what type of error occurs

Int |[OUT] balanceAmount | Balance Amount of Ebt Card and gift card types

Int |[OUT] totalTran | Total transaction count

Int |[OUT] batchNo | Batch Number

String |[OUT] adtlRespData | Additional Approval Code

String |[OUT] hostAuthRespTxt | Host Auth Response Text

String |[OUT] txnId | Host Transaction Id

String |[OUT] respText | Response Message

String |[OUT] tranNumber| Tran Number of transaction

List |[OUT] fetchVOList | List of transaction fetch data

List |[OUT] fetchBatchVOList | List of Batch fetch data

List |[OUT] reportSummaryVOList | List of report summary fetch data

List |[OUT] tipSummaryVOList | List of tip summary fetch data

List |[OUT] fetchVOList | List of transaction fetch data

String |[ OUT] issuerScheme| Card brand Name

String |[OUT] MID| Merchant Id

String |[OUT] aid | Application Identifier

String |[OUT] tsi | Terminal Status Information

String |[OUT] tvr | Terminal Verification Results

HashMap<String,Int> |amountTypeVOS | List of amount type

HashMap<String,String> | vasdata | List of additional vas data

String |[OUT] appPreferredName | Application Preferred Name

String |[OUT] authcode| authorization code

String |[ OUT] clerkId | input clerk id

String |[ OUT] clerkName | input clerk Name

String |[ OUT] clerkLabel | input clerk Label

String |[OUT] stanNo | System Trace Audit Number

Boolean |[OUT] isSignMandatory | Need Signature is Mandatory

  • true – Signature Mandatory
  • false- Signature Not Mandatory

String |[OUT] tipAmout | Tip Amount

String |[OUT] totalAmout | Tip Amount

Int |[ OUT] posEntryMode|pos Entry Mode

Int |[ OUT] BalanccetipAmt |Balance Tip amount

Class: PrintInputVo

Boolean |[IN] isOfflineTip| to enable smartTip

  • true – print smart tip
  • false - not print

String |[IN] cardHolderName | Card Holder Name

String |[IN] maskedPan | Get Masked Pan Number

HashMap<String, String > | [IN] smartTips| smarttips in dollar / percentage

Int |[IN] rcptType| receipt type

  • 1 - Merchant Copy
  • 2 – Customer Copy

String |[IN] invoice| invoice number.

Boolean | [ IN] isSignMandatory | Need Signature is Mandatory

  • true -Signature Mandatory
  • false- Signature Not Mandatory

String |[IN] Sigbase64 | Signature base64 format.

List |[IN] HeaderMsg | List of header messages

List |[IN] FooterMSg | List of footer messages.

List |[IN] Disclosure | List of disclosure messages.

List |[IN] promomsg | List of promotional messages.

Class: BatchListVo

String |[OUT] batchId | Batch ID

String |[OUT] batchNo | Batch Number

String |[OUT] ClsdateTime| Batch Close date and Time

String |[OUT] totAmount | Batch total amount

String |[OUT] totcount| Batch transaction Total count

String |[OUT] OpenBdateTime| Batch Open date and Time

Class: FetchInputVo

String |[IN] txnServerIP | transaction Ip (Demo or Production)

Int |[IN] txnServerPort | transaction Port Number (Demo or Production)

Int |[IN] connectionTimeout | Connection Timeout in seconds default value is 20.

Int |[IN] sendTimeout | Send Request Timeout in seconds default value is 20.

Int |[IN] receiveTimeout | Receive Response Timeout in seconds default value is 30.

Int |[IN] tranMode |Transaction Mode

Int |[IN] tranCode |Transaction Type

  • Void, Tip adjustment,Ticket = new Trancode().getFETCH_TXN();
  • Open Summary, Close Summary = new Trancode().getFETCH_SUM();
  • Batch Report = new Trancode().getFETCH_BA_RPT();
  • Detailed Report = new Trancode().getFETCH_DE_RPT();
  • Settlement = new Trancode().getSETTLEMENT();

Int |[IN] parentTranCode| Parent Transaction Type

  • Void = new Trancode().getVOID();
  • Tip adjustment = new Trancode().getTIP_ADJUSTMENT();
  • Ticket = new Trancode().getTICKET();
  • Open Summary = new Trancode().getSETTLEMENT_BEFORE_BATCH();
  • Close Summary = new Trancode().getSETTLEMENT_AFTER_BATCH();

String |[IN] epiId | Epi Id

Int |[IN] fetchType| Getting data from Fetch Type | applicable to transactions like Void,Tip adjustment,Ticket

  • 1 - Tran no
  • 2 - Card no

String |[IN] tranNumber | Tran Number for getting fetch data | applicable to transactions like Void, Tip adjustment,Ticket.

String |[ IN] Last4digitcardNo| pan number last 4 digit | applicable to transactions like Void, Tip adjustment, Ticket.

String |[ IN] batchId | Batch ID | applicable to Detail Report

Int |[ IN] batchNo | Batch Number | applicable to Detail Report

Class: SummaryVO

Int |[OUT] batch | Batch Number

String |[OUT] dashBatchCount | total record count

String |[OUT] dashNonCash | total non-cash charge

String |[OUT] dashTax | total tax

String |[OUT] netAmount | net amount

String |[OUT] batchOpenAt | batch open date and time

String |[OUT] batchClosedAt | batch close date and time

String |[OUT] saleCount | sale transaction count

String |[OUT] saleAmt | sale transaction amount

String |[OUT] voidCount| void transaction count

String |[OUT] voidAmt | void transaction amount

String |[OUT] refundCount | Refund transaction count

String |[OUT] refundAmt | Refund transaction amount

String |[OUT] ticketCount | ticket transaction count

String |[OUT] ticketAmt | ticket transaction amount

String |[OUT] cashSaleCount | cashsale transaction count

String |[OUT] cashSaleAmt | cashsale transaction amount

String |[OUT] cashRefundCount| cashRefund transaction count

String |[OUT] cashRefundAmt| cashRefund transaction amount

String |[OUT] cashBackCount| cashback transaction count

String |[OUT] cashBackAmt| cashback transaction amount

String |[OUT] tipCount | tip count

String |[OUT] tipAmt| tip amount

String |[OUT] cityTaxAmt| city tax amount

String |[OUT] stateTaxAmt| state tax amount

String |[OUT] withdrawlCount| withdrawal count

String |[OUT] withdrawlAmt| withdrawal amount

String |[OUT] closedBatchNo| closed Batch Number

String |[OUT] closedBatchId| closed Batch ID

String |[OUT] giftSaleCount| Gift sale count

String |[OUT] giftSaleAmount| Gift sale amount

String |[OUT] giftAddValCount| Gift add value count

String |[OUT] giftAddValAmount| Gift add value Amount

String |[OUT] giftTipCount| Gift Tip count

String |[OUT] giftTipAmount| Gift Tip amount

List |[ OUT] issSummaryVoList| List of issuer transaction count, amount info

Int |[OUT] newbatch | new Batch Number | only applicable to Settlement

Class: ReportSummaryVO

String |[OUT] maskedPanNumber | Masked Pan Number

String |[OUT] cardLabel | Card Label Information

Int |[OUT] tranAmount | Transaction Amount

String |[OUT] amountOthers| Other amount (TIP)

String |[OUT] taxAmount | Tax amount

String |[OUT] merchantFee| merchant Fee amount

String |[OUT] customFee | Custom Fee Amount

String |[OUT] stateTax | State Tax Amount

String |[OUT] cityTax | City Tax Amount

Int |[OUT] tranMode |Transaction Mode

Int |[OUT] tranCode |Transaction Type

Int |[OUT] parentTranCode| Parent Transaction Type

String |[ OUT] issuer| Card brand Name

String |[OUT] tranNo | Tran Number of transaction

String |[OUT] authcode| authorization code

String |[OUT] date | Transaction date

String |[OUT] time | Transaction Time

String |[OUT] dateAndtime | Transaction date and time

String |[OUT] batch | Batch Number

String |[ OUT] clerkId | input clerk id

String |[ OUT] clerkName | input clerk Name.

String |[ OUT] clerkLabel | input clerk Label

String |[ OUT] vasLabel1| Additional input vas label 1

String |[ OUT] vasLabel2| Additional input vas label 2

String |[ OUT] vasLabel3| Additional input vas label 3

String |[ OUT] vasData1| Additional input vas data 1

String |[ OUT] vasData2| Additional input vas data 2

String |[ OUT] vasData3| Additional input vas data 3

String |[OUT] profileId | Profile Id

  • “0”- Traditional
  • “1” – Surcharge

Int|[ OUT] cashDiscountAmt | Cash Discount Amount

Int |[ OUT] tipFeeAmt | Tip Fee Amount

String |[ OUT] rrn | Retrieval Reference Number

String |[OUT] txnId | Transaction id

Int |[ OUT] issueRefundAmt|Issue Refund Amount

Int |[ OUT] netAmt| Net amount

String |[OUT] responseCode| response code

Import AAR file in Android Studio

To import an .aar (Android Archive) file into your Android Studio project, follow these steps:

Download the aar file VL ARR

  1. Copy the .aar file:
  • Copy the .aar file into the libs directory of your Android project. If it doesn't exist, create it under your app module.
  • Example path: app/libs/your-library.aar
  1. Add the .aar as a module dependency
  • In Android Studio, go to File > New > New Module.
  • Select Import .AAR Package.
  • Browse and select the .aar file you copied to the libs directory.
    Click Finish.
  1. Add the dependency to your app's build.gradle file:
  • Open your app-level build.gradle file (typically app/build.gradle).
  • Add the following line inside the dependencies block to link the .aar file:

Transaction Type

1   SALE
2   VOID

Transaction Mode

6   CASH

Payment Method / POS Entry Mode

3    SWIPE 
4    EMV 


1    TSYS
7    EPX 

Please see the link for VL SERIES SDK