General Error Codes
Error Code Error Description
Error Error Error
No Code Deescription
E98 V5 VOID Transaction has already been performed
E98 V5 Capture/Ticket Transaction has already been performed
E98 12 Original transaction not found
D15 VT Refund Denied more than 1 for EPI 2345879648
E98 94 Duplicate transmission
E10 - Invalid input format (TRANSACTION NOT ALLOWED)
E03 - Input field is missing (TRANSACTION NOT ALLOWED)
E98 96 Transaction ISO Validations Failed
E98 VI Invalid card token
E98 96 Invalid amount or amount exceeded
Switch Error Code
Error Type Message
00 APPROVAL Approved and completed
01 CALL Refer to issuer
02 CALL Refer to issuer-Special condition
03 TERM ID ERROR Invalid Merchant ID
04 HOLD-CALL Pick up card (no fraud)
05 DECLINE Do not honor
06 ERROR General error
07 HOLD-CALL Pick up card, special condition (fraud account)
08 APPROVAL Honor Mastercard with ID
10 PARTIAL APPROVAL Partial approval for the authorized amount returned in Group III version 022
11 APPROVAL VIP approval
12 INVALID TRANS Invalid transaction
13 AMOUNT ERROR Invalid amount
14 CARD NO ERROR Invalid card number
15 NO SUCH ISSUER No such issuer
19 RE ENTER Re-enter transaction
21 NO ACTION TAKEN Unable to back out transaction
25 NO CARD NUMBER Unable to locate the account number
28 NO REPLY File is temporarily unavailable
30 MSG FORMAT ERROR Transaction was improperly formatted
39 NO CREDIT ACCT No credit account
41 HOLD-CALL Lost card, pick up (fraud account)
43 HOLD-CALL Stolen card, pick up (fraud account)
51 DECLINE Insufficient funds
52 NO CHECK ACCOUNT No checking account
53 NO SAVE ACCOUNT No savings account
54 EXPIRED CARD Expired card
55 WRONG PIN Incorrect PIN
57 SERV NOT ALLOWED Transaction not permitted-Card
58 SERV NOT ALLOWED Transaction not permitted-Terminal
61 DECLINE Exceeds withdrawal limit
62 DECLINE Invalid service code restricted
63 SEC VIOLATION Security violation
65 DECLINE Activity limit exceeded
75 PIN EXCEEDED PIN tried exceeded
76 UNSOLIC REVERSAL Unable to locate, no match
77 NO ACTION TAKEN Inconsistent, reversed, or repeat data
78 NO ACCOUNT No account
79 ALREADY REVERSED Already reversed at switch
80 NO IMPACT No Financial impact (used in reversal responses to decline originals)
81 ENCRYPTION ERROR Cryptographic error
82 INCORRECT CVV CVV data is not correct
83 CANT VERIFY PIN Cannot verify PIN
85 CARD OK No reason to decline
86 CANT VERIFY PIN Cannot verify PIN
91 NO REPLY Issuer or switch is unavailable
92 INVALID ROUTING Destination not found
93 DECLINE Violation, cannot complete
94 DUPLICATE TRANS Unable to locate, no match
96 SYSTEM ERROR System malfunction
A1 ACTIVATED POS device authentication successful
A2 NOT ACTIVATED POS device authentication not successful
A3 DEACTIVATED POS device deactivation successful
B1 SRCHG NOT ALLOWD Surcharge amount not permitted on debit cards or EBT food stamps
B2 SRCHG NOT ALLOWD Surcharge amount not supported by debit network issuer
CV FAILURE CV Card Type Verification Error
D3 SECUR CRYPT FAIL transaction failure due to missing or invalid 3D-Secure cryptogram
E1 ENCR NOT CONFIGD Encryption is not configured
E2 TERM NOT AUTHENT Terminal is not authenticated
E3 DECRYPT FAILURE Data could not be decrypted
EA ACCT LENGTH ERR Verification error
EB CHECK DIGIT ERR Verification error
EC CID FORMAT ERROR Verification error
HV FAILURE HV Hierarchy Verification Error
K0 TOKEN RESPONSE Token request was processed
K1 TOKEN NOT CONFIG Tokenization is not configured
K2 TERM NOT AUTHENT Terminal is not authenticated
K3 TOKEN FAILURE Data could not be de-tokenized
M0 Mastercard: Canada region-issued Domestic Debit Transaction not allowed
N3 CACHBACK NOT AVL Cash back service not available
N4 DECLINE Exceeds issuer withdrawal limit
POS Switch Error Description
Response Response
91 091 Transaction timed out
91 092 Host down. Please try after some time.
VP 558 EPI Not Found
VP 559 EPI Not Active
91 999 Unknown Error
00 561 Empty Batch
V0 570 EMV Fallback limit exceeded.
V0 571 EMV Fallback limit exceeded.
V0 572 Refund limit exceeded.
V0 573 Transaction restriced.
V0 574 International card not allowed.
00 575 International card. Please verify picture ID
V2 576 Address verification failed
V3 563 EPI host processor info not found
96 580 Host Response Error
VP 600 Merchant Profile Update Required. Kindly Contact ISO.
96 530 Configuration error
96 531 Invalid TPDU
96 532 Checksum verification failed
VI 533 Transaction is improperly formatted
VT 534 Transaction is improperly formatted
VI 535 Transaction is improperly formatted
VI 536 Transaction is improperly formatted
VH 520 HSM unavailable. Please try again.
00 545 Original transaction not found
13 539 Invalid amount or amount exceeded
14 540 Invalid card
30 541 Transaction is improperly formatted
94 542 Duplicate transmission
12 543 Original transaction not found
19 544 Transaction is improperly formatted
V1 606 Card token already used
V1 605 Invalid card token
VP 557 Merchant Not Active
VV 546 Void not allowed on Debit cards
VV 547 More than 2 Tip adjust not allowed
VH 521 HSM response error
VH 522 HSM response is invalid
VH 523 HSM response is failed
V0 567 Transaction restricted due to ticket size
V0 568 Daily Transactions amount limit exceeded
V0 569 Monthly volume limit exceeded.
54 548 Card expired
14 564 Invalid card number
15 610 No such issuer
17 608 EBT FCS Id not available
92 611 Routing Error
97 607 Datawire failed
97 549 Tip amount cannot be lower than previous tip adjusted amount
V0 578 Txn is already in processing state. Pls try again later
V0 612 insufficient funds
VV 589 Void not allowed
V0 613 No transactions to settle
30 904 Format Error
97 609 No response from the processor host
V0 614 L3 transaction line items are missing
00 550 Tip amount is same as previous tip adjusted amount
V0 616 Original refund txn amount limit exceeded
V0 615 No open batch
96 413 System Malfunction
96 415 System Malfunction
96 416 System Malfunction
96 417 System Malfunction
96 418 System Malfunction
96 414 System Malfunction
97 556 Tip amount cannot be more than base amount.
VV 555 Max allowed tip adjust count reached
V0 619 Preauth Threshold reached
V0 623 Tip adjust not allowed for this transaction
V0 624 Ticket completion max allowed threshold percentage reached
V0 537 Transaction ISO Validations Failed.
V0 590 Direct Refund not allowed on Prepaid cards
Processor Error Code
Switch Processor Processor
Response Code Response Code Error Description
0 0 Approved
1 1 Refer to card issuer
2 2 Refer to card issuers special conditions
3 3 Call Help
5 5 Do not honour
9 9 Accepted
10 10 Approved for partial amount
12 12 Invalid transaction
13 13 Invalid amount
14 14 Invalid card reader
19 19 Re-enter transaction
25 25 Unable to locate record on file
30 30 Format error
31 31 Bank not supported by switch
41 41 Lost card
43 43 Stolen card, pick up
51 51 Not sufficient funds
54 54 Expired card
55 55 Incorrect PIN
58 58 Transaction not permitted to terminal
76 76 Invalid product codes
77 77 Reconcile error
78 78 Trace number not found
79 79 Declined CVV2
80 80 Batch number not found
82 82 Decline
83 83 Decline
85 85 Batch not found
89 89 Bad terminal id
91 91 Issuer or switch inoperative
94 94 Duplicate transmission
95 95 Reconcile error
96 96 System malfunction
Switch Processor Processor
Response Code Response Code Error Description
0 0 Approved
0 85 Issuer has no reason to decline the txn
1 1 Refer to card issuer
2 2 Call
3 3 Invalid merchant
4 4 Pickup card
5 5 Do not honor
6 6 Error
7 7 Pickup card, special condition
8 8 Honor with ID
10 10 Approved for partial amount
12 12 Invalid transaction
13 13 Invalid amount
14 14 Invalid account number
15 15 No such issuer
19 19 Re-enter transaction
21 21 No action taken
25 25 Unable to locate
28 28 No reply
30 30 Format error
31 31 Bank not supported by switch
33 33 Expired card
34 34 Suspected fraud
35 35 Card acceptor contact acquirer
36 36 Restricted card
37 37 Call card acceptor acquirer security
38 38 Allowable PIN tries exceeded
39 39 No credit account
40 40 Requested function not supported
41 41 Pickup card (lost card)
43 43 Pickup card (stolen card)
51 51 Decline
52 52 No checking account
53 53 No savings account
54 54 Expired card
55 55 Invalid PIN
56 56 No card record
57 57 Service not allowed
58 58 Transaction not allowed at terminal
59 59 Suspected fraud
60 60 Card acceptor contact acquirer
61 61 Activity amount limit exceeded
62 62 Restricted card
63 63 Security violation
64 64 Original amount incorrect
65 65 Activity count limit exceeded
66 66 Card acceptor call acquirer’s security department
67 67 Hard capture (requires ATM pickup)
68 68 Response received too late
70 70 Contact Card Issuer
75 75 Allowable number of PIN tries exceeded
76 76 No action taken
77 77 No match on original message
78 78 Invalid account
79 79 Already reversed
80 80 Invalid date
81 81 PIN crypto error
82 82 CVV Error
83 83 Unable to verify PIN
84 84 The authorization life cycle is invalid
86 86 Cannot verify PIN
87 87 Network unavailable
88 88 Crypto failure
91 91 Issuer unavailable or switch inoperative
92 92 Destination cannot be found for routing
93 93 Transaction cannot be completed, violation of law
94 94 Duplicate transmission detected
96 96 System malfunction
99 99 Card network fault error
B1 B1 Open batch not found
B2 B2 Invalid batch number
E1 E1 Invalid or unsupported SEC
E2 E2 AVS data required
E3 E3 CVV2 data required
E4 E4 Serv not allowed. Txn not permitted to cardholder
E5 E5 Serv not allowed. Txn not permitted to cardholder
E6 E6 Issuer country is blocked
E7 E7 Incorrect MAC was sent
E8 E8 Standard Entry Class requirements were not met
E9 E9 System time out / No reply from network
EA EA Account length error
EB EB Check digit error
EC EC CID format error
ED ED Authorization is too old to capture
EE EE Card product code is blocked
EF EF Attempt, BRIC txn on a prior PINbased txn
EG EG Connection to CyberSource timed out
EH EH invalid car_ent_method or required additional data
EI EI CARD_ID is not valid
EJ EJ Required PIN block not present
EK EK Bin is not valid for PIN-less routing
EL EL Signature store did not complete
EM EM Debit PIN transactions must be swiped
EN EN DB proxy response was not processed within timeout period
EO EO Txn was declined by merchant due to mismatch of CVV2 data
EP EP Transaction not allowed as per a validation rule
EQ EQ There were no available gateway nodes to route transaction
ER ER Txn not allowed as max processing volume reached for day
ES ES Txn not allowed due to failure of internal validations
ET ET EMV data required
EU EU The network rejected the item
EV EV Request to capture txn found the item was already captured
EW EW Format error, invalid request tag value format
N0 N0 Force STIP
N3 N3 Cash service not available
N4 N4 Cash request exceeds issuer limit
N7 N7 CVV2 mismatch
P2 P2 Invalid biller information
P5 P5 PIN change / unblock request declined
P6 P6 Unsafe PIN
Q1 Q1 Card authentication failed
R0 R0 Stop payment order
R1 R1 Revocation of authorization order
R3 R3 Revocation of all authorizations order
RR RR AUTH_RESP_TEXT invalid, Contact the customer support.
S4 S4 HSM PIN block translation error
S5 S5 Unable to locate original txn
S7 S7 Unable to locate original txn
S8 S8 Unable to locate a matching authorization
S9 S9 TLV tags invalid
Z3 Z3 Unable to go online
FD BuyPass
Switch Processor Processor
Response Code Response Code Error Description
0 0 Approve
0 333 No previous (or) original transaction.
0 785 No reason to decline.
3 109 Invalid merchant.
3 150 Invalid merchant set up
4 704 Pick Up Card
5 100 Do not honor
7 209 Stolen card
10 2 Approve for partial amount
11 3 Approve VIP
111 111 Invalid Host Totals Date
113 113 Host Totals are Incomplete
12 212 Missing conditional data.
12 215 Invalid transaction for Merchant ID.
13 110 Invalid amount
14 131 Invalid account number
14 213 Invalid account number for card type.
156 156 Max number of recharges exceeded
236 236 Activation amount incorrect.
246 246 Declined due to high risk
247 247 Declined due to stand-in rules
30 1 Schema Validation Error
30 133 The TPP ID was not found
30 211 Invalid SKU number.
30 904 Format Error
33 132 Unmatched card expiry date
336 336 Bad Authorization ID. The Authorization ID test failed
34 102 Suspected fraud
34 129 Suspected counterfeit card
351 351 Customer PIN authentication required
41 208 Lost Card / Lost Check
51 116 Not sufficient funds
51 134 Not sufficient funds
54 101 Expired card
55 117 Incorrect PIN or PIN length error
56 118 No card record
57 119 Transaction not permitted to cardholder
58 120 Transaction not permitted to terminal
61 121 Exceeds withdrawal amount limit
61 123 Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit
61 152 Exceeds limit
75 106 Allowable PIN tries exceeded
75 154 Over monthly limit
903 903 Invalid Reversal Transaction - transaction already settled
97 103 Unable to process TeleCheck recurring transaction
97 104 Restricted card
97 105 Call acquirers security department
97 107 Call for authorization
97 108 Refer to issuers special conditions
97 112 DES Encryption not allowed from the device / terminal
97 114 Invalid account type
97 122 Security violation
97 124 Violation of law
97 130 Invalid terminal
97 151 Activation failed
97 153 Already redeemed
97 155 Recharge amount exceeded
97 157 Invalid entry
97 214 Invalid payment type/card type for merchant ID.
97 216 Invalid TransArmor request.
97 217 Missing or invalid secure payment data.
97 218 Merchant ID not enabled for Secure Code.
97 219 Invalid Merchant Category Code
97 220 Customer service phone number missing.
97 221 Merchant not enabled for soft descriptors.
97 222 Partial auth not allowed.
97 223 Customer under 18 years old.
97 224 Account blocked - possible compromise.
97 225 Bill-to address does not match ship-to.
97 226 Invalid preapproval number.
97 227 Invalid email address.
97 228 Need more ID - request full SSN.
97 229 Previously declined/closed account.
97 230 One time stop payment requested by cardholder.
97 231 Stop payment requested for all payments.
97 232 Stop all payments - account closed.
97 233 Auth response date not valid.
97 234 Issuance under minimum amount.
97 235 Outstanding auth - funds on hold.
97 237 Deny - new card issued.
97 238 BIN blocked.
97 242 Customer opt-out.
97 243 Institution does not accept ACH payments.
97 244 Original transaction not approved.
97 245 Invalid MICR data.
97 248 Conditional Approval - Hold shipping for 24 hours
97 250 Original Auth could not be found.
97 251 The request did not match the original authorization.
97 252 The amount significantly exceeds the original request amount
97 253 The timeframes for re-authorization have been exceeded.
97 254 Counter Offer to Supply Personal Guaranty.
97 300 Invalid EAN or SCV.
97 301 Lock has expired on prepaid card.
97 302 Account closed.
97 303 Unknown account. The account could not be located.
97 304 Inactive account. The account has not been activated.
97 308 Card is already active and does not need to be reactivated.
97 311 Not lost or stolen
97 315 Bad mag stripe. The mag stripe could not be parsed.
97 316 Incorrect merchant location.
97 317 Max balance exceeded.
97 318 Invalid amount.
97 319 Invalid clerk.
97 320 Invalid password
97 321 Invalid new password.
97 322 Exceeded account reloads.
97 323 Password retry exceeded. The user account has been frozen.
97 326 Incorrect transaction version or format number for POS txn.
97 327 Request not permitted by this account
97 328 Request not permitted by this merchant location
97 329 Bad_repay_date
97 330 Bad checksum. The checksum provided is incorrect
97 331 Balance not available (denial).
97 332 Account locked
97 334 Already reversed.
97 337 Too many transactions requested
97 338 No transactions available.
97 339 Transaction history not available
97 340 New password required
97 341 Invalid status change.
97 342 Void of activation after account activity
97 343 No phone service. Attempted a calling card transaction.
97 344 Internet access disabled
97 345 TransArmor Invalid Token or Account Number
97 350 Additional customer authentication required
97 355 Invalid currency. The provided currency is invalid
97 356 Currency Not Supported
97 357 Currency conversion error
97 359 The terminal transaction number did not match.
97 367 Transaction count entered do not match.
97 368 No account link
97 369 Invalid time zone
97 372 Promo location restricted
97 373 Invalid Card Account
97 374 Product code(s) restricted
97 375 Bad Post Date. The Post Date is not a valid date.
97 376 Account status is void lock
97 377 Already active and reloadable
97 378 Account is Purged.
97 380 Bulk activation error
97 381 Bulk activation un-attempted error
97 382 Bulk activation package amount error
97 383 Store location zero not allowed
97 384 Account row locked
97 385 Accepted but not yet processed
97 402 TransArmor Service Unavailable
97 403 Invalid Date or Time
97 404 TransArmor Key Error
97 500 Decline
97 501 Date of Birth Error for Check Processing
97 502 Invalid State Code
97 503 New Account Information
97 504 Do not try again
97 505 Please retry
97 506 Invalid Checking Account Number
97 507 New Account Information available
97 508 Try again later - Declined
97 509 Do not try again. The card has expired.
97 510 New Account Information. The card has expired.
97 511 Try again later. The card has expired.
97 512 Service not allowed
97 513 Decline. Transaction not permitted to acquirer or terminal
97 514 Do not try again. There was security violation.
97 515 Declined. No term record on First Data system
97 516 Please retry.
97 517 CVV2 Declined
97 518 Invalid account/date or sales date in future
97 519 Invalid Effective Date
97 520 Reversal Rejected. Do not try again.
97 521 Enter lesser amount
97 522 Cash Back greater than total Transaction amount
97 523 Crypto box is offline
97 524 Debit switch unavailable.
97 525 Debit/EBT network gateway cannot get through to the ISSUER.
97 526 Undefined Card.
97 527 Network Response indicates that Merchant ID / SE is invalid
97 528 Debit/EBT transaction count exceeds pre-determined limit.
97 529 Resubmission of txn violates debit/EBT network frequency
97 530 Authorizing network has a problem decrypting the cryptogram.
97 532 DUKPT Key Error
97 533 Invalid encryption key offset sent by merchant
97 534 Invalid master session key id sent by merchant
97 539 No Checking Account
97 540 Edit Honor
97 541 No Savings Account
97 542 DUKPT: An error while processing the PIN block.
97 550 Invalid Vehicle
97 551 Invalid Driver
97 552 Invalid Product
97 553 Exceeds transaction total limit per product class.
97 554 Over daily limit
97 555 Invalid Date/Time
97 556 Exceeds quantity
97 557 Invalid prompt entry
97 558 Invalid Track 2 data
97 559 Voyager ID problem
97 560 Invalid Odometer
97 561 Invalid Restriction Code
97 562 Pay at pump not allowed
97 563 Over fuel limit
97 564 Over cash limit
97 565 Fuel price error
97 566 Y or N required
97 567 Over repair limit
97 568 Over additive limit
97 569 Invalid user
97 570 Before 1400 and can't cut. Wait until 2:00 pm Eastern.
97 571 Cut time too close to 1400
97 572 Checker/Manager not found
97 573 Security insufficient
97 574 No transaction security record
97 575 Insufficient data
97 576 Merchant has mail pending
97 577 No messages pending
97 578 The Visa OCT / MasterCard MoneySend activity has exceeded.
97 579 The Visa OCT / MasterCard MoneySend activity has exceeded.
97 580 The Visa OCT / MasterCard MoneySend activity has exceeded.
97 581 The Visa OCT / MasterCard MoneySend activity has exceeded.
97 582 The Visa OCT / MasterCard MoneySend activity has exceeded.
97 583 The Visa OCT / MasterCard MoneySend activity has exceeded.
97 584 The Visa OCT / MasterCard MoneySend activity has exceeded.
97 585 The Visa OCT / MasterCard MoneySend activity has exceeded.
97 586 The Visa OCT / MasterCard MoneySend activity has exceeded.
97 587 The single transaction amount limit was exceeded.
97 588 All Visa OCT / MasterCard MoneySend transactions are blocked
97 601 Invalid Batch Number/ Invalid Batch ID or Invalid OpenBatch
97 602 No Open Batch
97 603 Close Unavailable
97 604 Close Not Valid
97 701 Approved EMV Key Load
97 702 EMV Key Download Error
97 703 Approved EMV Key Load, more key load data pending
97 708 Honor With Authentication
97 721 Invalid ZIP Code
97 722 Invalid value in the field
97 723 Drivers License or ID is Required
97 724 Referred - Not Active
97 726 Unable to Locate Record On File
97 727 Refer - Call Authorization
97 728 Referred - Skip Trace Info
97 729 Hard Negative Info On File
97 731 Rejected Lost/Stolen Checks
97 740 Totals Unavailable
97 767 Hard Capture; Pick Up
97 771 Amount Too Large
97 772 Duplicate Return
97 773 Unsuccessful
97 774 Duplicate Reversal
97 775 Subsystem Unavailable
97 776 Duplicate Completion
97 782 Count Exceeds Limit
97 790 Not approved.
97 791 Not approved.
97 792 See attendant.
97 801 Over merchandise limit
97 802 Imprint card
97 803 Not on file
97 804 Fuel only
97 805 Velocity exceeded
97 806 Authorization ID needed
97 807 Over non-fuel limit
97 808 Invalid location
97 809 Over card velocity count
97 810 Over card velocity amount
97 811 Over issuer velocity count
97 812 Over issuer velocity amount
97 813 Over merchant daily velocity count
97 814 Over merchant daily velocity amount
97 815 Over merchant daily velocity both
97 816 Over merchant product velocity amount
97 817 Over merchant product velocity count
97 818 Over merchant product velocity both
97 819 Over chain daily velocity count
97 820 Over chain daily velocity amount
97 821 Over chain daily velocity both
97 822 Over chain product velocity count
97 823 Over chain product velocity both
97 824 Over chain product velocity amount
97 825 No chain ID for chain merchant
97 826 Signature required
97 827 Velocity exception error - pay inside
97 828 Exceeds merchant count for period - pay inside
97 829 Exceeds merchant amount for period - pay inside
97 830 Exceeds merchant count and amount for period - pay inside
97 831 Exceeds zip code count for period - pay inside
97 832 Exceeds zip code amount for period - pay inside
97 833 Exceeds zip code count and amount for period - pay inside
97 834 Exceeds state count for period - pay inside
97 835 Exceeds state amount for period - pay inside
97 836 Exceeds state count and amount for period - pay inside
97 837 Exceeds global count for period - pay inside
97 838 Exceeds global amount for period - pay inside
97 839 Exceeds global count and amount for period - pay inside
97 840 Unknown velocity error - pay inside
97 902 Invalid transaction
97 905 Unsupported message. Transaction was rejected.
97 906 System Error. There is a problem with the host system.
97 907 Card issuer or switch inoperative or processor not available
97 908 Transaction destination not found for routing.
97 909 System malfunction or timeout
97 911 Card issuer timed out.
97 913 Duplicate transaction.
97 914 Void/Full Reversal: Settlement already occurred.
97 915 Timeout Reversal not supported.
97 916 Void/Full Reversal: Original Authorization was not found.
97 920 Security H/W or S/W error - try again
97 921 Security H/W or S/W error - no action
97 923 Request in progress
97 924 Limit check failed
97 940 Error.
97 941 Invalid issuer.
97 942 Customer cancellation
97 944 Invalid response
97 950 Violation of business arrangement
97 954 CCV failed.
97 958 CCV2 failed
97 959 CAV failed
97 963 Acquirer channel unavailable
FD Nashville
Switch Processor Processor
Response Code Response Code Error Description
0 0 Approve
0 333 No previous (or) original transaction.
0 785 No reason to decline.
3 109 Invalid merchant.
3 150 Invalid merchant set up
4 704 Pick Up Card
5 100 Do not honor
7 209 Stolen card
10 2 Approve for partial amount
11 3 Approve VIP
111 111 Invalid Host Totals Date
113 113 Host Totals are Incomplete
12 212 Missing conditional data.
12 215 Invalid transaction for Merchant ID.
13 110 Invalid amount
14 131 Invalid account number
14 213 Invalid account number for card type.
156 156 Max number of recharges exceeded
236 236 Activation amount incorrect.
246 246 Declined due to high risk
247 247 Declined due to stand-in rules
30 1 Schema Validation Error
30 133 The TPP ID was not found
30 211 Invalid SKU number.
30 904 Format Error
33 132 Unmatched card expiry date
336 336 Bad Authorization ID. The Authorization ID test failed
34 102 Suspected fraud
34 129 Suspected counterfeit card
351 351 Customer PIN authentication required
41 208 Lost Card / Lost Check
51 116 Not sufficient funds
51 134 Not sufficient funds
54 101 Expired card
55 117 Incorrect PIN or PIN length error
56 118 No card record
57 119 Transaction not permitted to cardholder
58 120 Transaction not permitted to terminal
61 121 Exceeds withdrawal amount limit
61 123 Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit
61 152 Exceeds limit
75 106 Allowable PIN tries exceeded
75 154 Over monthly limit
903 903 Invalid Reversal Transaction - transaction already settled
97 103 Unable to process TeleCheck recurring transaction
97 104 Restricted card
97 105 Call acquirers security department
97 107 Call for authorization
97 108 Refer to issuers special conditions
97 112 DES Encryption not allowed from the device / terminal
97 114 Invalid account type
97 122 Security violation
97 124 Violation of law
97 130 Invalid terminal
97 151 Activation failed
97 153 Already redeemed
97 155 Recharge amount exceeded
97 157 Invalid entry
97 214 Invalid payment type/card type for merchant ID.
97 216 Invalid TransArmor request.
97 217 Missing or invalid secure payment data.
97 218 Merchant ID not enabled for Secure Code.
97 219 Invalid Merchant Category Code
97 220 Customer service phone number missing.
97 221 Merchant not enabled for soft descriptors.
97 222 Partial auth not allowed.
97 223 Customer under 18 years old.
97 224 Account blocked - possible compromise.
97 225 Bill-to address does not match ship-to.
97 226 Invalid preapproval number.
97 227 Invalid email address.
97 228 Need more ID - request full SSN.
97 229 Previously declined/closed account.
97 230 One time stop payment requested by cardholder.
97 231 Stop payment requested for all payments.
97 232 Stop all payments - account closed.
97 233 Auth response date not valid.
97 234 Issuance under minimum amount.
97 235 Outstanding auth - funds on hold.
97 237 Deny - new card issued.
97 238 BIN blocked.
97 242 Customer opt-out.
97 243 Institution does not accept ACH payments.
97 244 Original transaction not approved.
97 245 Invalid MICR data.
97 248 Conditional Approval - Hold shipping for 24 hours
97 250 Original Auth could not be found.
97 251 The request did not match the original authorization.
97 252 The amount significantly exceeds the original request amount
97 253 The timeframes for re-authorization have been exceeded.
97 254 Counter Offer to Supply Personal Guaranty.
97 300 Invalid EAN or SCV.
97 301 Lock has expired on prepaid card.
97 302 Account closed.
97 303 Unknown account. The account could not be located.
97 304 Inactive account. The account has not been activated.
97 308 Card is already active and does not need to be reactivated.
97 311 Not lost or stolen
97 315 Bad mag stripe. The mag stripe could not be parsed.
97 316 Incorrect merchant location.
97 317 Max balance exceeded.
97 318 Invalid amount.
97 319 Invalid clerk.
97 320 Invalid password
97 321 Invalid new password.
97 322 Exceeded account reloads.
97 323 Password retry exceeded. The user account has been frozen.
97 326 Incorrect transaction version or format number for POS txn.
97 327 Request not permitted by this account
97 328 Request not permitted by this merchant location
97 329 Bad_repay_date
97 330 Bad checksum. The checksum provided is incorrect
97 331 Balance not available (denial).
97 332 Account locked
97 334 Already reversed.
97 337 Too many transactions requested
97 338 No transactions available.
97 339 Transaction history not available
97 340 New password required
97 341 Invalid status change.
97 342 Void of activation after account activity
97 343 No phone service. Attempted a calling card transaction.
97 344 Internet access disabled
97 345 TransArmor Invalid Token or Account Number
97 350 Additional customer authentication required
97 355 Invalid currency. The provided currency is invalid
97 356 Currency Not Supported
97 357 Currency conversion error
97 359 The terminal transaction number did not match.
97 367 Transaction count entered do not match.
97 368 No account link
97 369 Invalid time zone
97 372 Promo location restricted
97 373 Invalid Card Account
97 374 Product code(s) restricted
97 375 Bad Post Date. The Post Date is not a valid date.
97 376 Account status is void lock
97 377 Already active and reloadable
97 378 Account is Purged.
97 380 Bulk activation error
97 381 Bulk activation un-attempted error
97 382 Bulk activation package amount error
97 383 Store location zero not allowed
97 384 Account row locked
97 385 Accepted but not yet processed
97 402 TransArmor Service Unavailable
97 403 Invalid Date or Time
97 404 TransArmor Key Error
97 500 Decline
97 501 Date of Birth Error for Check Processing
97 502 Invalid State Code
97 503 New Account Information
97 504 Do not try again
97 505 Please retry
97 506 Invalid Checking Account Number
97 507 New Account Information available
97 508 Try again later - Declined
97 509 Do not try again. The card has expired.
97 510 New Account Information. The card has expired.
97 511 Try again later. The card has expired.
97 512 Service not allowed
97 513 Decline. Transaction not permitted to acquirer or terminal
97 514 Do not try again. There was security violation.
97 515 Declined. No term record on First Data system
97 516 Please retry.
97 517 CVV2 Declined
97 518 Invalid account/date or sales date in future
97 519 Invalid Effective Date
97 520 Reversal Rejected. Do not try again.
97 521 Enter lesser amount
97 522 Cash Back greater than total Transaction amount
97 523 Crypto box is offline
97 524 Debit switch unavailable.
97 525 Debit/EBT network gateway cannot get through to the ISSUER.
97 526 Undefined Card.
97 527 Network Response indicates that Merchant ID / SE is invalid
97 528 Debit/EBT transaction count exceeds pre-determined limit.
97 529 Resubmission of txn violates debit/EBT network frequency
97 530 Authorizing network has a problem decrypting the cryptogram.
97 532 DUKPT Key Error
97 533 Invalid encryption key offset sent by merchant
97 534 Invalid master session key id sent by merchant
97 539 No Checking Account
97 540 Edit Honor
97 541 No Savings Account
97 542 DUKPT: An error while processing the PIN block.
97 550 Invalid Vehicle
97 551 Invalid Driver
97 552 Invalid Product
97 553 Exceeds transaction total limit per product class.
97 554 Over daily limit
97 555 Invalid Date/Time
97 556 Exceeds quantity
97 557 Invalid prompt entry
97 558 Invalid Track 2 data
97 559 Voyager ID problem
97 560 Invalid Odometer
97 561 Invalid Restriction Code
97 562 Pay at pump not allowed
97 563 Over fuel limit
97 564 Over cash limit
97 565 Fuel price error
97 566 Y or N required
97 567 Over repair limit
97 568 Over additive limit
97 569 Invalid user
97 570 Before 1400 and can't cut. Wait until 2:00 pm Eastern.
97 571 Cut time too close to 1400
97 572 Checker/Manager not found
97 573 Security insufficient
97 574 No transaction security record
97 575 Insufficient data
97 576 Merchant has mail pending
97 577 No messages pending
97 578 The Visa OCT / MasterCard MoneySend activity has exceeded.
97 579 The Visa OCT / MasterCard MoneySend activity has exceeded.
97 580 The Visa OCT / MasterCard MoneySend activity has exceeded.
97 581 The Visa OCT / MasterCard MoneySend activity has exceeded.
97 582 The Visa OCT / MasterCard MoneySend activity has exceeded.
97 583 The Visa OCT / MasterCard MoneySend activity has exceeded.
97 584 The Visa OCT / MasterCard MoneySend activity has exceeded.
97 585 The Visa OCT / MasterCard MoneySend activity has exceeded.
97 586 The Visa OCT / MasterCard MoneySend activity has exceeded.
97 587 The single transaction amount limit was exceeded.
97 588 All Visa OCT / MasterCard MoneySend transactions are blocked
97 601 Invalid Batch Number/ Invalid Batch ID or Invalid OpenBatch
97 602 No Open Batch
97 603 Close Unavailable
97 604 Close Not Valid
97 701 Approved EMV Key Load
97 702 EMV Key Download Error
97 703 Approved EMV Key Load, more key load data pending
97 708 Honor With Authentication
97 721 Invalid ZIP Code
97 722 Invalid value in the field
97 723 Drivers License or ID is Required
97 724 Referred - Not Active
97 726 Unable to Locate Record On File
97 727 Refer - Call Authorization
97 728 Referred - Skip Trace Info
97 729 Hard Negative Info On File
97 731 Rejected Lost/Stolen Checks
97 740 Totals Unavailable
97 767 Hard Capture; Pick Up
97 771 Amount Too Large
97 772 Duplicate Return
97 773 Unsuccessful
97 774 Duplicate Reversal
97 775 Subsystem Unavailable
97 776 Duplicate Completion
97 782 Count Exceeds Limit
97 790 Not approved.
97 791 Not approved.
97 792 See attendant.
97 801 Over merchandise limit
97 802 Imprint card
97 803 Not on file
97 804 Fuel only
97 805 Velocity exceeded
97 806 Authorization ID needed
97 807 Over non-fuel limit
97 808 Invalid location
97 809 Over card velocity count
97 810 Over card velocity amount
97 811 Over issuer velocity count
97 812 Over issuer velocity amount
97 813 Over merchant daily velocity count
97 814 Over merchant daily velocity amount
97 815 Over merchant daily velocity both
97 816 Over merchant product velocity amount
97 817 Over merchant product velocity count
97 818 Over merchant product velocity both
97 819 Over chain daily velocity count
97 820 Over chain daily velocity amount
97 821 Over chain daily velocity both
97 822 Over chain product velocity count
97 823 Over chain product velocity both
97 824 Over chain product velocity amount
97 825 No chain ID for chain merchant
97 826 Signature required
97 827 Velocity exception error - pay inside
97 828 Exceeds merchant count for period - pay inside
97 829 Exceeds merchant amount for period - pay inside
97 830 Exceeds merchant count and amount for period - pay inside
97 831 Exceeds zip code count for period - pay inside
97 832 Exceeds zip code amount for period - pay inside
97 833 Exceeds zip code count and amount for period - pay inside
97 834 Exceeds state count for period - pay inside
97 835 Exceeds state amount for period - pay inside
97 836 Exceeds state count and amount for period - pay inside
97 837 Exceeds global count for period - pay inside
97 838 Exceeds global amount for period - pay inside
97 839 Exceeds global count and amount for period - pay inside
97 840 Unknown velocity error - pay inside
97 902 Invalid transaction
97 905 Unsupported message. Transaction was rejected.
97 906 System Error. There is a problem with the host system.
97 907 Card issuer or switch inoperative or processor not available
97 908 Transaction destination not found for routing.
97 909 System malfunction or timeout
97 911 Card issuer timed out.
97 913 Duplicate transaction.
97 914 Void/Full Reversal: Settlement already occurred.
97 915 Timeout Reversal not supported.
97 916 Void/Full Reversal: Original Authorization was not found.
97 920 Security H/W or S/W error - try again
97 921 Security H/W or S/W error - no action
97 923 Request in progress
97 924 Limit check failed
97 940 Error.
97 941 Invalid issuer.
97 942 Customer cancellation
97 944 Invalid response
97 950 Violation of business arrangement
97 954 CCV failed.
97 958 CCV2 failed
97 959 CAV failed
97 963 Acquirer channel unavailable
FD North
Switch Processor Processor
Response Code Response Code Error Description
0 0 Approve
0 333 No previous (or) original transaction.
0 785 No reason to decline.
3 109 Invalid merchant.
3 150 Invalid merchant set up
4 704 Pick Up Card
5 100 Do not honor
7 209 Stolen card
10 2 Approve for partial amount
11 3 Approve VIP
111 111 Invalid Host Totals Date
113 113 Host Totals are Incomplete
12 212 Missing conditional data.
12 215 Invalid transaction for Merchant ID.
13 110 Invalid amount
14 131 Invalid account number
14 213 Invalid account number for card type.
156 156 Max number of recharges exceeded
236 236 Activation amount incorrect.
246 246 Declined due to high risk
247 247 Declined due to stand-in rules
30 1 Schema Validation Error
30 133 The TPP ID was not found
30 211 Invalid SKU number.
30 904 Format Error
33 132 Unmatched card expiry date
336 336 Bad Authorization ID. The Authorization ID test failed
34 102 Suspected fraud
34 129 Suspected counterfeit card
351 351 Customer PIN authentication required
41 208 Lost Card / Lost Check
51 116 Not sufficient funds
51 134 Not sufficient funds
54 101 Expired card
55 117 Incorrect PIN or PIN length error
56 118 No card record
57 119 Transaction not permitted to cardholder
58 120 Transaction not permitted to terminal
61 121 Exceeds withdrawal amount limit
61 123 Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit
61 152 Exceeds limit
75 106 Allowable PIN tries exceeded
75 154 Over monthly limit
903 903 Invalid Reversal Transaction - transaction already settled
97 103 Unable to process TeleCheck recurring transaction
97 104 Restricted card
97 105 Call acquirers security department
97 107 Call for authorization
97 108 Refer to issuers special conditions
97 112 DES Encryption not allowed from the device / terminal
97 114 Invalid account type
97 122 Security violation
97 124 Violation of law
97 130 Invalid terminal
97 151 Activation failed
97 153 Already redeemed
97 155 Recharge amount exceeded
97 157 Invalid entry
97 214 Invalid payment type/card type for merchant ID.
97 216 Invalid TransArmor request.
97 217 Missing or invalid secure payment data.
97 218 Merchant ID not enabled for Secure Code.
97 219 Invalid Merchant Category Code
97 220 Customer service phone number missing.
97 221 Merchant not enabled for soft descriptors.
97 222 Partial auth not allowed.
97 223 Customer under 18 years old.
97 224 Account blocked - possible compromise.
97 225 Bill-to address does not match ship-to.
97 226 Invalid preapproval number.
97 227 Invalid email address.
97 228 Need more ID - request full SSN.
97 229 Previously declined/closed account.
97 230 One time stop payment requested by cardholder.
97 231 Stop payment requested for all payments.
97 232 Stop all payments - account closed.
97 233 Auth response date not valid.
97 234 Issuance under minimum amount.
97 235 Outstanding auth - funds on hold.
97 237 Deny - new card issued.
97 238 BIN blocked.
97 242 Customer opt-out.
97 243 Institution does not accept ACH payments.
97 244 Original transaction not approved.
97 245 Invalid MICR data.
97 248 Conditional Approval - Hold shipping for 24 hours
97 250 Original Auth could not be found.
97 251 The request did not match the original authorization.
97 252 The amount significantly exceeds the original request amount
97 253 The timeframes for re-authorization have been exceeded.
97 254 Counter Offer to Supply Personal Guaranty.
97 300 Invalid EAN or SCV.
97 301 Lock has expired on prepaid card.
97 302 Account closed.
97 303 Unknown account. The account could not be located.
97 304 Inactive account. The account has not been activated.
97 308 Card is already active and does not need to be reactivated.
97 311 Not lost or stolen
97 315 Bad mag stripe. The mag stripe could not be parsed.
97 316 Incorrect merchant location.
97 317 Max balance exceeded.
97 318 Invalid amount.
97 319 Invalid clerk.
97 320 Invalid password
97 321 Invalid new password.
97 322 Exceeded account reloads.
97 323 Password retry exceeded. The user account has been frozen.
97 326 Incorrect transaction version or format number for POS txn.
97 327 Request not permitted by this account
97 328 Request not permitted by this merchant location
97 329 Bad_repay_date
97 330 Bad checksum. The checksum provided is incorrect
97 331 Balance not available (denial).
97 332 Account locked
97 334 Already reversed.
97 337 Too many transactions requested
97 338 No transactions available.
97 339 Transaction history not available
97 340 New password required
97 341 Invalid status change.
97 342 Void of activation after account activity
97 343 No phone service. Attempted a calling card transaction.
97 344 Internet access disabled
97 345 TransArmor Invalid Token or Account Number
97 350 Additional customer authentication required
97 355 Invalid currency. The provided currency is invalid
97 356 Currency Not Supported
97 357 Currency conversion error
97 359 The terminal transaction number did not match.
97 367 Transaction count entered do not match.
97 368 No account link
97 369 Invalid time zone
97 372 Promo location restricted
97 373 Invalid Card Account
97 374 Product code(s) restricted
97 375 Bad Post Date. The Post Date is not a valid date.
97 376 Account status is void lock
97 377 Already active and reloadable
97 378 Account is Purged.
97 380 Bulk activation error
97 381 Bulk activation un-attempted error
97 382 Bulk activation package amount error
97 383 Store location zero not allowed
97 384 Account row locked
97 385 Accepted but not yet processed
97 402 TransArmor Service Unavailable
97 403 Invalid Date or Time
97 404 TransArmor Key Error
97 500 Decline
97 501 Date of Birth Error for Check Processing
97 502 Invalid State Code
97 503 New Account Information
97 504 Do not try again
97 505 Please retry
97 506 Invalid Checking Account Number
97 507 New Account Information available
97 508 Try again later - Declined
97 509 Do not try again. The card has expired.
97 510 New Account Information. The card has expired.
97 511 Try again later. The card has expired.
97 512 Service not allowed
97 513 Decline. Transaction not permitted to acquirer or terminal
97 514 Do not try again. There was security violation.
97 515 Declined. No term record on First Data system
97 516 Please retry.
97 517 CVV2 Declined
97 518 Invalid account/date or sales date in future
97 519 Invalid Effective Date
97 520 Reversal Rejected. Do not try again.
97 521 Enter lesser amount
97 522 Cash Back greater than total Transaction amount
97 523 Crypto box is offline
97 524 Debit switch unavailable.
97 525 Debit/EBT network gateway cannot get through to the ISSUER.
97 526 Undefined Card.
97 527 Network Response indicates that Merchant ID / SE is invalid
97 528 Debit/EBT transaction count exceeds pre-determined limit.
97 529 Resubmission of txn violates debit/EBT network frequency
97 530 Authorizing network has a problem decrypting the cryptogram.
97 532 DUKPT Key Error
97 533 Invalid encryption key offset sent by merchant
97 534 Invalid master session key id sent by merchant
97 539 No Checking Account
97 540 Edit Honor
97 541 No Savings Account
97 542 DUKPT: An error while processing the PIN block.
97 550 Invalid Vehicle
97 551 Invalid Driver
97 552 Invalid Product
97 553 Exceeds transaction total limit per product class.
97 554 Over daily limit
97 555 Invalid Date/Time
97 556 Exceeds quantity
97 557 Invalid prompt entry
97 558 Invalid Track 2 data
97 559 Voyager ID problem
97 560 Invalid Odometer
97 561 Invalid Restriction Code
97 562 Pay at pump not allowed
97 563 Over fuel limit
97 564 Over cash limit
97 565 Fuel price error
97 566 Y or N required
97 567 Over repair limit
97 568 Over additive limit
97 569 Invalid user
97 570 Before 1400 and can't cut. Wait until 2:00 pm Eastern.
97 571 Cut time too close to 1400
97 572 Checker/Manager not found
97 573 Security insufficient
97 574 No transaction security record
97 575 Insufficient data
97 576 Merchant has mail pending
97 577 No messages pending
97 578 The Visa OCT / MasterCard MoneySend activity has exceeded.
97 579 The Visa OCT / MasterCard MoneySend activity has exceeded.
97 580 The Visa OCT / MasterCard MoneySend activity has exceeded.
97 581 The Visa OCT / MasterCard MoneySend activity has exceeded.
97 582 The Visa OCT / MasterCard MoneySend activity has exceeded.
97 583 The Visa OCT / MasterCard MoneySend activity has exceeded.
97 584 The Visa OCT / MasterCard MoneySend activity has exceeded.
97 585 The Visa OCT / MasterCard MoneySend activity has exceeded.
97 586 The Visa OCT / MasterCard MoneySend activity has exceeded.
97 587 The single transaction amount limit was exceeded.
97 588 All Visa OCT / MasterCard MoneySend transactions are blocked
97 601 Invalid Batch Number/ Invalid Batch ID or Invalid OpenBatch
97 602 No Open Batch
97 603 Close Unavailable
97 604 Close Not Valid
97 701 Approved EMV Key Load
97 702 EMV Key Download Error
97 703 Approved EMV Key Load, more key load data pending
97 708 Honor With Authentication
97 721 Invalid ZIP Code
97 722 Invalid value in the field
97 723 Drivers License or ID is Required
97 724 Referred - Not Active
97 726 Unable to Locate Record On File
97 727 Refer - Call Authorization
97 728 Referred - Skip Trace Info
97 729 Hard Negative Info On File
97 731 Rejected Lost/Stolen Checks
97 740 Totals Unavailable
97 767 Hard Capture; Pick Up
97 771 Amount Too Large
97 772 Duplicate Return
97 773 Unsuccessful
97 774 Duplicate Reversal
97 775 Subsystem Unavailable
97 776 Duplicate Completion
97 782 Count Exceeds Limit
97 790 Not approved.
97 791 Not approved.
97 792 See attendant.
97 801 Over merchandise limit
97 802 Imprint card
97 803 Not on file
97 804 Fuel only
97 805 Velocity exceeded
97 806 Authorization ID needed
97 807 Over non-fuel limit
97 808 Invalid location
97 809 Over card velocity count
97 810 Over card velocity amount
97 811 Over issuer velocity count
97 812 Over issuer velocity amount
97 813 Over merchant daily velocity count
97 814 Over merchant daily velocity amount
97 815 Over merchant daily velocity both
97 816 Over merchant product velocity amount
97 817 Over merchant product velocity count
97 818 Over merchant product velocity both
97 819 Over chain daily velocity count
97 820 Over chain daily velocity amount
97 821 Over chain daily velocity both
97 822 Over chain product velocity count
97 823 Over chain product velocity both
97 824 Over chain product velocity amount
97 825 No chain ID for chain merchant
97 826 Signature required
97 827 Velocity exception error - pay inside
97 828 Exceeds merchant count for period - pay inside
97 829 Exceeds merchant amount for period - pay inside
97 830 Exceeds merchant count and amount for period - pay inside
97 831 Exceeds zip code count for period - pay inside
97 832 Exceeds zip code amount for period - pay inside
97 833 Exceeds zip code count and amount for period - pay inside
97 834 Exceeds state count for period - pay inside
97 835 Exceeds state amount for period - pay inside
97 836 Exceeds state count and amount for period - pay inside
97 837 Exceeds global count for period - pay inside
97 838 Exceeds global amount for period - pay inside
97 839 Exceeds global count and amount for period - pay inside
97 840 Unknown velocity error - pay inside
97 902 Invalid transaction
97 905 Unsupported message. Transaction was rejected.
97 906 System Error. There is a problem with the host system.
97 907 Card issuer or switch inoperative or processor not available
97 908 Transaction destination not found for routing.
97 909 System malfunction or timeout
97 911 Card issuer timed out.
97 913 Duplicate transaction.
97 914 Void/Full Reversal: Settlement already occurred.
97 915 Timeout Reversal not supported.
97 916 Void/Full Reversal: Original Authorization was not found.
97 920 Security H/W or S/W error - try again
97 921 Security H/W or S/W error - no action
97 923 Request in progress
97 924 Limit check failed
97 940 Error.
97 941 Invalid issuer.
97 942 Customer cancellation
97 944 Invalid response
97 950 Violation of business arrangement
97 954 CCV failed.
97 958 CCV2 failed
97 959 CAV failed
97 963 Acquirer channel unavailable
Switch Processor Processor
Response Code Response Code Error Description
0 0 Approved and completed
1 1 Refer to issuer
2 2 Refer to issuer-Special condition
3 3 Invalid Merchant ID
4 4 Pick up card (no fraud)
5 5 Do not honor
6 6 General error
7 7 Pick up card, special condition (fraud account)
8 8 Honor Mastercard with ID
10 10 Partial approval for the authorized amount
11 11 VIP approval
12 12 Invalid transaction
13 13 Invalid amount
14 14 Invalid card number
15 15 No such issuer
19 19 Re-enter transaction
21 21 Unable to back out transaction
25 25 Unable to locate the account number
28 28 File is temporarily unavailable
30 30 Transaction was improperly formatted
39 39 No credit account
41 41 Lost card, pick up (fraud account)
43 43 Stolen card, pick up (fraud account)
46 46 Closed Account
51 51 Insufficient funds
52 52 No checking account
53 53 No savings account
54 54 Expired card
55 55 Incorrect PIN
57 57 Transaction not permitted-Card
58 58 Transaction not permitted-Terminal
59 59 Suspected Fraud
61 61 Exceeds withdrawal limit
62 62 Invalid service code, restricted
63 63 Security violation
65 65 Activity limit exceeded
6P 6P VERIF DATA FAILD Verification data failed
70 70 PIN data required
75 75 PIN tried exceeded
76 76 Unable to locate, no match
77 77 Inconsistent, reversed, or repeat data
78 78 No account
79 79 Already reversed at switch
80 80 No Financial impact
81 81 Cryptographic error
82 82 CVV data is not correct
83 83 Cannot verify PIN
85 85 No reason to decline
86 86 Cannot verify PIN
91 91 Issuer or switch is unavailable
92 92 Destination not found
93 93 Violation, cannot complete
94 94 Unable to locate, no match
96 580 Format Error.
96 96 System malfunction
A1 A1 POS device authentication successful
A2 A2 POS device authentication not successful
A3 A3 POS device deactivation successful
B1 B1 Surcharge amount not permitted on debit cards or EBT food
B2 B2 Surcharge amount not supported by debit network issuer
CV CV Card Type Verification Error
D3 D3 Transaction failure due to missing or invalid 3D-Secure
E1 E1 Encryption is not configured
E2 E2 Terminal is not authenticated
E3 E3 Data could not be decrypted
EA EA Verification error
EB EB Verification error
EC EC Verification error
H1 H1 SERV NOT ALLOWED Contact Merchant Services Technical Support
H2 H2 SERV NOT ALLOWED Contact Merchant Services Technical Support
H3 H3 SERV NOT ALLOWED Contact Merchant Services Technical Support
H4 H4 SERV NOT ALLOWED Contact Merchant Services Technical Support
H5 H5 SERV NOT ALLOWED Contact Merchant Services Technical Support
H6 H6 SERV NOT ALLOWED Contact Merchant Services Technical Support
H7 H7 SERV NOT ALLOWED Contact Merchant Services Technical Support
H8 H8 SERV NOT ALLOWED Contact Merchant Services Technical Support
H9 H9 SERV NOT ALLOWED Contact Merchant Services Technical Support
HV HV Hierarchy Verification Error
IA IA Additional customer authentication required
K0 K0 Token request was processed
K1 K1 Tokenization is not configured
K2 K2 Terminal is not authenticated
K3 K3 Data could not be de-tokenized
M0 M0 Mastercard: Canada region-issued Debit Txn not allowed
N3 N3 Cash back service not available
N4 N4 Exceeds issuer withdrawal limit
N7 N7 CVV2 Value supplied is invalid
P0 P0 Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support
P1 P1 Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support
P2 P2 Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support
P3 P3 Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support
P4 P4 Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support
P5 P5 Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support
P6 P6 Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support
P7 P7 The terminal has not yet completed the boarding process.
Q1 Q1 Card authentication failed
R0 R0 Customer requested stop of specific recurring payment
R1 R1 Customer requested stop of all recurring payments
R3 R3 All recurring payments have been canceled for this card
S0 S0 The PAN used in the transaction is inactive.
S1 S1 The Mod-10 check failed.
S5 S5 Decline – no preauthorization found.
S9 S9 Maximum working balance exceeded.
SA SA The Authorization Server is shut down.
SB SB Invalid card status – status is other than active
SC SC Unknown dealer/store code – special edit.
SD SD Maximum number of recharges is exceeded.
SE SE Card was already used.
SF SF Manual transactions not allowed.
SH SH Transaction type was unknown.
SJ SJ An invalid tender type was submitted.
SK SK An invalid customer type was submitted. PIN was locked.
SL SL The maximum number of redemptions was exceeded.
SM SM The maximum number of PAN tries was exceeded.
SP SP The card was already issued.
SR SR The card was not issued.
SS SS First check is okay and has been converted.
T0 T0 The check is okay but cannot be converted.
T1 T1 This is a declined transaction.
T2 T2 Invalid ABA number, not an ACH participant.
T3 T3 Amount greater than the limit.
V1 V1 Daily threshold exceeded.
Datawire failed: No ticket
The merchant's initial request generated a Datawire ID along with a Merchant MID and TID. If another request indicates that the merchant has changed the MID and TID, the transaction will be declined by the processor due to a Datawire failure with the message: "No Ticket."
Datawire failed: Provisioning ticket
If a Datawire failure occurs with the error 'Provisioning Ticket,' this means that the same MID and TID already exist for another merchant. Consequently, the processor will decline the MID and TID as they are already provisioned.