The split state indicates the outcome of split transactions. A split transaction occurs when a payment is divided into multiple parts. The different states help clarify how these parts were processed:
Transaction Result:
0 - SUCCESS: All split transactions were approved successfully.
1 - Partially Approved: Some split transactions were approved while others failed.
-1 - FAILED: All the split transactions failed.
All split count transactions were approved, meaning the entire transaction went through successfully without issues.
Failure occurred, meaning that even one of the split transactions was not approved, resulting in a complete failure.
Partial approval: This means that even if one of the split transactions failed or was declined, the other parts were approved, and the overall transaction was partially successful.
This section provides the failure status codes:
0 - SUCCESS: The transaction was successful.
-1 - FAILED: The transaction was unsuccessful.
This indicates the response codes for a cancellation request:
0 - SUCCESS: The cancelation request was successful.
-2 - CLEAR TRANSACTION: The transaction was cleared, meaning no further action is required.
The issuer refers to the card network or financial institution that issued the payment card. It could be a known brand like Visa, MasterCard, American Express (Amex), etc. This value helps to identify which institution is handling the card processing.
This refers to the type of card used for the transaction:
Credit: A card that allows borrowing money for the transaction, to be paid back later.
Debit: A card linked directly to a bank account, where the transaction amount is deducted immediately.
EBT Food & Cash Sale: Signature Enabled, Print Receipt by default since Mobile No prompt screen is disabled
Gift sale, Add value, Activation & Deactivation also allowed.
This specifies the method or type of transaction that was executed:
Sale: A normal purchase transaction.
Void: A cancellation of a transaction.
There may be other types of transaction methods depending on the system, such as Refund, Pre Auth, Post Auth, Completion, Tip Adjust, Voucher Sale, Balance Enquiry, Withdrawal, Cash Sale, Cash Refund, Gift Sale, Add Value, Activation, Deactivation .
This field represents the monetary value of the transaction, including cent notation. For example, a value of $1.00 would be represented as 100 to include cents. The terminal displays the amount confirmation screen based on the settings from the VALOR TMS system, confirming the exact amount to be processed.
This is optional data that appears for Credit, Debit, and Cash transactions, specifically when the EPI (Electronic Payment Interface) ID has the TAX option enabled in the system. It represents the tax-related data applicable to the transaction.
This optional field is applicable only to Credit and Debit transactions when the EPI ID is configured with a Cash Discount/Surcharge profile. It indicates any extra charge added on top of the base transaction amount, like a surcharge or discount for using specific payment methods.
The "PARTIAL" flag tells whether a transaction is partially approved or fully approved. This typically occurs in the case of split transactions:
1 - Partially Approved: The transaction is only partially approved, meaning some parts succeeded while others failed. Clients must wait for additional responses to complete or finalize the transaction.
0 - Normal Approved: The transaction has been fully approved and does not need any further response.
This refers to how the payment information was entered during the transaction:
CHIP: The transaction was completed by inserting a chip card into a card reader (EMV chip).
SWIPE: The transaction was completed by swiping a magnetic stripe card.
The date and time when the transaction was processed. The format used is DDMMYYYY hh:mm:ss, ensuring that all transaction details are accurately timestamped for tracking and auditing.
RRN (Retrieval Reference Number)
This is a 12-digit number uniquely assigned to a transaction. It helps to identify and retrieve the transaction in case of disputes or inquiries.
TRAN_NO (Transaction Number)
A unique number assigned to a transaction, which is printed on the charge slip. This number can be used to locate the original transaction and perform actions like Void, Tip adjustments, or Ticket transactions.
This refers to the current batch number in which the transaction was included. A batch is a group of transactions processed together, often at the end of the day. This helps to track and reconcile transactions effectively.
This value represents the full transaction amount, including all components like the purchase amount, cashback, tax, tip, and surcharge. If there is a cash sale transaction with surcharge and cash discount enabled, the surcharge amount is excluded from this total.
TXN_ID (Transaction ID)
This unique ID is assigned to each transaction. Based on the switch response, the terminal sends this ID to the client. It is essential for tracking individual transactions and for querying specific data.
STAN ID means System Trace Audit Number which is generated by the cardholder bank that can be used to identify a transaction.
This tag is only applicable for split payment responses. It indicates the number of the current split transaction (if the transaction is split into multiple parts). This helps clients track the sequence of successful and failed split payments.
Also only applicable for split payment responses, this tag indicates the remaining amount for each split transaction based on the total number of splits. It helps to track how much is still due for each split transaction (whether successful or failed).
The tip amount and cashback amount will only be processed for the first split count. If the customer changes the payment mode to Cash or EBT Sale, the tip amount will not be processed and will instead be stored in the TIP_AMOUNT_DUE tag.
The tip amount and cashback amount will only be processed for the first split count. Similarly, if the customer changes the payment mode to one that is not Debit, the cashback amount will not be processed and will be stored in the CASHBACK_AMOUNT_DUE tag.